Welcome to AdVerif.ai

Fight Fake News with the FakeRank AI

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Built for enterprise users

About us

Developed by Artificial Intelligence Researchers and Ad-Tech Experts.

The FakeRank AI uses machine learning and proprietary data via fact checking partners.

Our mission is to keep brands safe and use AI to fight fake news.

FakeRank is backed by Proprietary Research and IP:

Identifying Nuances in Fake News vs. Satire: Using Semantic and Linguistic Cues - NLP for Internet Freedom (NLP4IF) 2019

Automatically Identifying Political Ads on Facebook: Towards Understanding of Manipulation via User Targeting - MISDOOM 2020

Our APIs


FakeRank API

Identify disinformation, hate speech, conspiracies and more...

Try it out.


Social Media API

View the most viral stories, Search and Monitor specific keywords...

Try it out.


Visual Misinformation

DeepFake Detection, Hateful Memes and more...

Comin soon.

The social media API provides advanced capabilities to monitor and analyze posts on social media.

POST /api/rest/most-viral
"sort": "likes",
"limit": 10,

Award-Winning Technology

"High momentum startups with potential to transform technology and society for the better"
CB Insights
